Exchange Account Preparation
Create an account with a top-tier crypto exchange
Sign up for a reputable cryptocurrency exchange.
Complete identity verification for trading access
Fulfill the Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process to enable trading activities.
Transfer or acquire sufficient funds for your chosen strategy
Deposit or buy enough funds to begin trading.
Generate API keys on the exchange
Create API keys with proper permissions for access to your account. Setup
Register at
Sign up for a account.
Choose your preferred strategy
Select the trading strategy that aligns with your goals and preferences.
Review strategy performance in the DATA ROOM
Assess the strategy's historical performance data to gauge its effectiveness.
Submit your API keys
Provide the generated API keys for integration with
Accept service terms and conditions
Agree to the service agreement.
Await activation confirmation
Wait for confirmation that your account has been successfully activated.
Important Considerations
Before Starting
Ensure you have sufficient funds in your exchange account.
Verify API key permissions and wallet correctness.
Adding Funds
The system automatically detects newly deposited base assets for trading.
During Trading
Be aware of trailing sell orders that may affect visibility of sell orders.
Bot Operation
Bots are considered operational when there are active orders. Contact support if no active orders are visible.
Note: There is a ~20-minute cooldown period between trades.
Asset Restrictions
For spot strategies, avoid withdrawing or converting the quoted asset (e.g., do not withdraw BTC if profiting in USD).
Tracking Profits
Monitor profits via the app dashboard and exchange order history.
Partial withdrawals below 5% are acceptable without stopping the bot.
Request a bot stop before making large partial withdrawals or full withdrawals after stopping the bot.
By following these steps, you can successfully set up your account and begin trading with the selected strategy.
Do you need more information?
Explore these resources:
FAQ: Quick answers to common questions.
Strategy Guides: Detailed explanations of our trading products.
Exchanges: Explore our supported list of exchanges.
Bot Explorer: Select and activate your preferred strategy.
API Key Guides: Learn to generate and manage API keys.
Trading Guidelines: Understand our policies and expectations.
Automated Trading Guide: Insights on mechanics and risks.
All about Learn about our company and mission.
Profit Share: Manage your earnings and payments.
Affiliate Network: Track your referrals and commissions.
My Bots: Monitor your active trades and their performance.
In-app Help: Access tutorial videos and help guides.
Glossary: Definitions for cryptocurrency and trading terms.